Essential Oil Guide for Pet Parents

If you are anything like me, you want your home to be a place of calm and comfort, and one way to create that is through the use of essential oils. The ones I use in my home are Peppermint and Lavender. But our homes are not ours alone; we share them with our fur babies as well. And it is good to know what essential oils provide healthy and healing effects in our dogs as well as to know which ones are toxic to steer clear of. What’s great is that the oils that are safe for use with pets are found to have the same healing effects in pets as they do in humans. Meaning you could use essential oils as holistic alternatives in some situations with your pet. However, ALWAYS consult your Veterinarian before using anything as medicine. 


My preferred way to disperse my oils is through the use of a diffuser. Add one to two drops of essential oil to a water-based diffuser. When we use a diffuser in our homes, we tend to just drop in the oil and go about our business. However, when using them as a pet aid, only run the diffuser for ten minutes. Then, let the air clear for about 30 minutes. Our dog’s nose is more powerful than ours is so for them to receive the desired healing effects of the oils, it takes a shorter time. 


Another way you can use your essential oils is topically. If you prefer to apply oils directly onto the skin make sure that you use an oil that is diluted. Do not use undiluted oils, they will make your dog sick. To dilute your essential oil, aim for one drop of essential oil for every tablespoon and a half of coconut oil. Coconut oil is a great way to apply essential oils directly onto your pet’s skin. Make sure you always do a patch test first to ensure your pet won’t have a reaction to the oil. 

Below are the essential oils that are safe to use around dogs along with the desired effect that oil can have on your pet.

Chamomile- reduces stress, and calms upset stomach.

Frankincense- immunity boost, and calms digestive tracts.

Ginger- reduces joint pain, clear respiratory tracts, and soothes stomach.

Lavender- reduces anxiety, calms carsickness, and insomnia.

Myrrh- soothes skin irritation. 

Cardamom -normalizes appetite, colic, coughs, heartburn and nausea.

Fennel-  Balances pituitary, thyroid and pineal glands

Peppermint- aids in joint pain, supports  respiratory health.


Now we have come to the essential oils to NEVER use. The oils listened below are proven to be poisonous to your pet. 

Citrus Oils- Lemon, etc.. Lots of household cleaning products use these essential oils in their formula so make sure you check your cleaning items ingredients.


 Ylang Ylang

 Tea Tree- According to a report published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, there have been hundreds of instances of tea tree oil toxicity in pets.

Remember this is just a guide but ALWAYS discuss with your veterinarian before using essential oils as treatment. I hope you enjoyed this month’s blog! And let me know in the comments below with essential oils are your favorite. I consulted my essential oil expert Mary and you can email her too if you have any questions at